Ever open a card that is so fantastic that you wish you'd sent it rather than received it? It's a rare thing to find paper goods that are hand-made, good-looking and thoughtful as all get-out. But Egg Press is just one of those places. They conjure up cards that seem so absolutely, positively you that it's hard to imagine that it wasn't custom made. Oh, but they do custom design too, didn't you know? Yup.

A pioneer in the resurgence of letterpress, Egg Press has been creating fresh, original material since 1999. They design paper that celebrates, thanks, mocks, honors and brightens the lives of anyone who comes in contact with them, and we are so jazzed that they'll be taking part in Spoken For. With a new line of custom wedding paper goods, their unmistakable style of fun patterns and bright colors will be translated for special occasions.

Visit their website to learn more about creator Tess Darrow and the amazing team of letterpress geniuses. Meet them Saturday!

Photos from the Egg Press website